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Like these tips? Get them all in Scott Dawson's Handbook for the Modern Worker.
July 13

Try asynchronous status updates.

It’s tempting to get everyone together at the same time every day to go “around the room” and give a daily status. However, it can be an immense drain on everyone’s time, and over time, participants may start viewing it as unproductive and tend to tune out after sharing their update. Instead, try asynchronous updates, where everyone shares a quick bullet summary in a collaboration platform, at the beginning of their day, of what they’re working on. Everyone else can catch up at their leisure. These types of updates can be searched, use tags for projects, link to web pages where needed, at-mention people, and if you’ve been out on vacation, allow you to quickly catch up on what you missed. Save your meeting time, if needed, for follow-ups that need real-time collaboration.