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Like these tips? Get them all in Scott Dawson's Handbook for the Modern Worker.
September 26

Limit work-related communications off-hours.

Avoid the temptation to be wholly available to your work regardless of time of day. Technology and mobile devices can make it easy to be “on the clock” in the early morning, late evening, and on the weekends. Try to disconnect, and know that the messages and emails you get off-hours will be there when you punch back in. Use features like “Do Not Disturb” or set app limits to ensure you get a solid stretch away from notifications and emails that you keep you in the work zone. If that fails, perhaps remove the applications altogether from your device. You have to balance this with any expectations around being available for emergencies, but if your team knows they can reach you by phone or text, that’s a fine backup as long as you set expectations accordingly.